Cullman Pediatric Dentistry: Tips for Your Child’s First Visit

Jul 28, 2022

children having fun at a playground

Pediatric dentists (and dentists in general!) can be scary. After all, going to the doctor or dentist isn’t always fun for patients; even adults can be worried about having their teeth looked at.

But children’s dental care is our specialty, and here at S’more Smiles in Cullman, AL, we are proud to provide a safe, comfortable space where your children can have a wonderful experience from the start. Part of ensuring a good first experience with your pediatric dentist involves knowing what to do to help your little one prepare for starting their tooth adventure!

Today, we’re going to talk about first appointments with pediatric dentists in Cullman, AL, and what parents can do to keep a smile on their child’s face from start to finish!

Understanding Your First Time at the Office

Every child pays close attention to their parents during new experiences. Show your kid a smiling face when it comes time to go to the appointment. Part of this means that parents should know what to expect when they come to the office.

Meeting the Team

Getting to know the doctors and the team is a big part of making sure that the whole family is comfortable. Your little one needs to get to know the people in the practice. (A great idea is to bring along a favorite toy or stuffed animal to introduce to the staff!)

At S’more Smiles, our pediatric dentists make sure that children have an environment where they can relax. This includes interactive games and fun décor to help them explore a fun space!

Exam Time!

After settling in, the doctor will take a look at your child’s smile. This means taking digital X-rays, reviewing medical history, and looking at how those tiny teeth are doing.

High-quality care starts with patience, warmth, and kindness. At our location in Cullman, AL, Dr. Cat, and the team use positive behavioral management techniques to provide everyone with a safe, productive experience during exams and other services.

S'more Smiles patient chairs

Healthy Teeth Need Treatment

After the exam, it’s treatment time. At the first appointment, this usually involves a cleaning to get a shining smile before you leave. The dentist will also review any additional treatment plan options, including directions for at-home care (building the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles!).

The Boring Stuff

The boring bits are the worst part for kids, so make sure you limit the amount of time you’ll need to spend on insurance and paperwork. Fill out forms and documents ahead of time if you can!

Map Out the Adventure Ahead of Time

Kids love learning new things when they aren’t worried – so show them the ropes at home!

There are plenty of books, shows, and videos that help children become familiar with the dentist and dental services before their appointment. But parents can also show them it’s not a scary experience by turning it into a game at home!

Turn scary experiences into fun activities. Play pretend to practice, switching off who’s the doctor and who’s the patient. Always remember to use positive language with your child, encouraging them to think of the dentist as an everyday experience.

Brave Kids, Bold Smiles, and Big Rewards

Kids can have big worries about dentists at any age. When you’re starting your dental journey in Cullman, AL, you can make every step easier in little ways.

Help your child look forward to the appointment by reminding them that this is a cool thing – it means that they’re growing up and becoming a big kid! Bring a distraction to fill the time in the car and the waiting room – we recommend a favorite book. And when you’re done, a report card can help show them how brave and well-behaved they were. A small treat can be a big reward for a job well done!

pillow that says to seek for adventure

Ready to set up your child’s first appointment at our Alabama office? Fill out our contact form to schedule your first time at S’more Smiles or take a look around our website to find out more about how our location is the best pediatric dentist in town!